Property Investment Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme


I recently read that 8/10 millionaires made their millions through real estate. Whether this statistic is entirely true or not, I don’t know. However, what I do know is that A LOT of people have made their millions from property. In fact, I would even go so far as saying that more millionaires are created from investing in property than any other industry.

If you are interested in obtaining a good passive income, then I would definitely recommend you consider property as one of your strategies for wealth creation.

But be warned, property investing is not a short term get rich quick scheme. Done properly and with guidance, you will gain:

• Amazing capital growth – your portfolio will increase by £100,000’s a year.
• Great cash flow – you will obtain an amazing monthly passive income.
• A legacy to pass down to future generations.

If you are seriously considering property investment as a career choice, please note that you need to look at it as more than just a hobby. In other words, you need be put some effort in for it to work. If you do only look at property as a hobby, you will only ever achieve hobby profits. Your dreams of earning millions from property will remain just that – dreams!

Property investment, like any business, is a serious business and you need to start investing with the right attitude. Working just one day a week on this business is simply not enough especially when you’re starting out. I’ve known a lot of people who have started investing in property only to fail miserably purely because they expected too much in too short a time.

So how do you become a serious property investor? Simple.

As a minimum, you need the following three traits to succeed

• Knowledge

This can be obtained from mentors, books and seminars. To do well in any business, you don’t just need specialised knowledge but will also need to develop yourself personally.

I would encourage you to attend personal development events to help you to move forward quickly.

• Personal Motivation

You need to be motivated to do well any aspect of your life. A lot of people fail because they give up too soon! They try one or two techniques recommended to them, find they don’t work and decide property investment doesn’t work!

Model yourself on a successful property investor that you know. Keep going and don’t give up.

• A Team

To do well in property investment by your self is almost impossible. All successful property investors that I know have built a team of clever people around them. You need to do this also.

As a minimum you need access to good solicitors, accountants, financiers, builders, other property investors and finders. Become a prolific networker, show people that you are a doer and expect results in your business and allow like minded people to join you in helping you to grow your business.



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The Property Business Is A Business Of Relationships


"You are the same today as you’ll be in five years except for two things,
the books you read and the people you meet" – Charlie Jones

To be successful in property, you need to develop lasting relationships with other people. What’s helped me to succeed in property investment more than anything else, has been the relationships I’ve had with other people.

If you want quick growth in property investment, you need to start building a team around you. This is something you need to work on from the outset. Your team should include solicitors, accountants, financial advisors, estate agents, letting agents, property finders, other property investors, plumbers, electricians, general builders and anyone else who could help you to achieve your goals.

Whenever I am looking for someone to join my team, I will always try to find someone based on referrals. I will ask family and friends if they know of anyone that could me help with my business. I also ask my current contacts.

For example, several years ago I had the need to acquire a new solicitor. Rather than going straight for the yellow pages, I asked my accountant if he knew of any proactive solicitors. He gave me the name of one such solicitor. I contacted her immediately and found her to be one of the best solicitors I have ever known and have retained her since. If I am unable to find anyone via my existing contacts, I will then search the local directories to source someone close to my offices. I always try to source local, as it will save me a lot of time should I need to go and visit.

When sourcing members of my team via this method, I always interview at least three candidates. My final decision is never based on price alone. I will always choose my advisors based on their knowledge of the subject matter and also any rapport that we build during our first meeting. I will never choose someone who appears to be very knowledgeable but fails to understand my business goals and personality.

Over the years, I have established a great team around me. We work together and have a good respect for each other. I always pay my advisors and workers on time and have a strong respect for them and their services. This works great because I am able to get jobs done quickly and efficiently as my team supports me in my endeavours. If you are new to property investment, I would advise you to find people that share the same work ethics as yourself to help you grow quickly in your business.

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Property Investment Courses


"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins", Jim Rohn

Investing in property may seem like todays flavour of the month. However, due to the large amounts of money changing hands, it is not something that you should try without proper training and guidance.

When I first started investing in property, I spent a lot of man hours educating myself. I bought every single book on property that I could lay my hands on. I spent a lot of time and effort attending workshops and seminars. When I had become confident of my abilities, I ventured out and bought my first property.

Buying my first property did not mean that I could now stop learning about property investment. In fact, it was the exact opposite. I was now spending more time learning the different property investment strategies; I was attending more seminars and courses and reading specialised books on investing. Had I stopped learning after my first purchase I would not be a successful property investor today.

A couple of weeks ago, I did some research to see what courses were being offered to help people get into property investment. Quite frankly, I was shocked by the results. I found single day courses and workshops ranging from £500 to £10,000’s. And, that’s not all.

I even found several portfolio companies requesting 6 figure sums in return for an ‘off the shelf’ property portfolio! Today, every other person appears to be offering a property investing course. How do you choose which one is right for you?

Firstly, my advice would be for you to not pay anyone to buy a property portfolio for you. If you want success in property, you need to understand at least the basics of property investing. Paying someone a truck load of money to buy a few properties for you will not give you this knowledge.

Attending property courses should by definition increase your knowledge of property investment. However, prior to parting with any money you need to address the following issues:

• What are the credentials of the course organizer? Is he/she a property investor himself and how much experience does he/she have?

The best person to advise you on property investing would be someone who walks the talk – there’s little to gain from a presenter who has never bought a property before.

• What are the course contents? Will advanced techniques be addressed?

It’s the advanced techniques used by successful property investors that will set you apart from all those other wannabe property investors.

• How many people will be attending the course?

A course attended by hundreds of people may lack the personal touch, but will present networking opportunities to you.

• How much and how long is the course?

Paying several thousand pounds for a one day course is too much. You need to weigh up the cost, length and contents before making up your mind.

• Will I be given the opportunity to network with other attendees of the course?

The property business is a business of relationships. You need to network with others in the same business as you will not be able to do it alone.

• What is the location of the venue?

Is it worth traveling hundreds of miles to a course that may be offered closer to where you live?

• What support will be provided after completion of the course?

Course attendees quite often become unstuck after attending a course. You need to find out if any support is offered after you complete the course.

Only once you are satisfied with your answers to the above questions should you part with any cash.

Be warned though, attending a course by itself will not make you into a successful property investor. What will set you apart from any other attendee on the course is your level of motivation and determination to succeed in property investing.




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Property Investment In The UK


Ignoring the recent blip, property investment in the UK has witnessed massive growth over the last decade. A house bought 10 years ago, would be worth around 300% more today. If you were to look at house price growth over a longer period, you’d be amazed by the results. For example, if you had bought a house in 1952, today it would be worth around 90 times more!

At an average growth of 8% per year, a house bought today for £215,000 would be worth in excess of £1million in 20 years! 10 houses bought today for £215,000 each would be worth…….etc.

Even today, as the market shows some evidence of slowdown, there are pockets of above average growth in certain towns and villages across the country. It’s the job of the property investor to hunt out these areas and milk them for all they’re worth.

When looking for property to buy in the UK, it is always advisable to do some research before commencing any viewings. Recent statistics on house values in any one particular area, historical data and local trends can help you to build a clear picture of the suitability of any one location for investment purposes.

A common misconception among novice property investors is that you can only really make money in property when house prices are going up in value. In this scenario, you would buy a property for x amount and resell shortly after for x+growth amount, pocketing the difference in value. If the market was flat, your property would still be worth x several months later, i.e. exactly how much you bought it for. When house prices are going down, your property would be worth less several months later, e.g. x-growth.

However, any experienced investor will tell you that you can make money from property investment regardless of whether house prices are increasing, decreasing or whether the market is flat. By buying well below market value, you would safeguard your investment from any short term economic trends that would normally affect your property’s value. You would also gain immediate equity in your property investment.

When deciding to embark on a career in property investment, as with anything else, you need to educate yourself. You can do this by attending seminars, attending courses and meeting others in the same field. Talk to real estate agents, brokers and lenders to gain a good basic understanding of current and future trends in property investments. Furthermore, take advantage of free online courses and material to learn the ins and outs of property investment.

Property investment is not rocket science. By learning and applying just a handful of basic principles, there’s no reason why anyone can’t benefit from the UK property investment market.


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Advertise To Source Below Market Value Property


One of the best methods to find below market value property is through advertising. Placing classified adverts in your local paper should be part of your overall game plan to locate motivated sellers.

A motivated seller is basically someone who needs to sell his/her property very quickly due to circumstances beyond his/her control.

These circumstances could have arisen through for example divorce, death or debt.

When anyone experiences any one of the above, they may be ‘forced’ to sell their house and more often than not will need to sell very quickly. It’s this speed of sale that is more important to the seller than the final price achieved. This is why a sale via an estate agent may not be the best option for the vendor of the property.

These motivated sellers often turn to adverts in local newspapers to look for prospective purchasers of their property. If you’re not advertising in that paper, you could be missing out.

If you are financially constrained, don’t buy a half page colour advert! Try a small black and white advert first. I’ve known simple monochrome adverts to work just as well as their colour equivalents.

Test the market by changing your headline every week until you find one that works best for you.

When first deciding on the wording of your adverts, it is best to look at what your competition is doing. Try and find adverts that appear every week and emulate their style. These adverts obviously work otherwise they wouldn’t be used over and over again.

One thing to try would be to literally ‘copy’ a successful advert that appears every week. All you need to do is change the contact number at the bottom of the advert. Done effectively, you will ‘legally steal’ half of the original advertisers market!

When it comes to advertising in the paper, please be aware that success will not come overnight. You need to be persistent in your efforts, and continually test your strategies.

Also, an advert that may work very well in one paper may be a dud in another. You can avoid making expensive mistakes by continually trying different variants of your advert. I can’t stress this enough.

Once you have a successful advertising strategy, you will find that you are dealing primarily with motivated sellers. This will enable you to grow your property business very quickly and with very little of your own money.



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Using An Estate Agent To Source Below Market Value Property


Below Market Value Property One of the most important jobs of a property investor is to source below market value property. A below market value property is a property that you have bought for less than its value if it was to sell on the open market.

For example if you were to purchase a £100,000 property for £80,000 you will have bought it at 20% below market value. This property will have £20,000 of equity which is yours to keep. Furthermore, since the property is below market value, there’s a strong likelihood that you will be able to buy it with no money down.

In other words, without requiring a deposit. Theoretically, you can buy as many properties as you desire without ever using any of your own money whatsoever! If you are able to do this repeatedly, your business will experience phenomenal growth.

In contrast, if you were to buy a market value property, the traditional routes of property purchase would demand a deposit of anything from 5-10%. As a Property Investor, if you were only to buy property at market value, you would soon run out of money and your business would come to a stand still.

This is why it is so important for a Property Investor to invest as much as possible in below market value properties.

So, how do I find below market value properties?

Regardless of what people say, I find estate agents to be a valuable resource when it comes to buying below market value property.

By being persistent, and proving to an estate agent that you are a serious investor, you will have them ringing your phone of the hook with potential deals. Initially, an estate agent may pass you deals that are not below market value.

If this was to happen, thank the agent for calling you and let him know that the margins don’t work for you. However, you are still looking to buy several properties that month and he should contact you again if he receives anything.

At all times, remain polite and check with the agent at least once a week. Over time, a relationship will develop with your estate agent and he will start passing on good property leads which meet your investment criteria.

Once you have completed on a couple of deals with your specified agent, you will find that he places you on his preferred list of contacts. This is where you need to be to receive the great deals.

Ideally, you should be a preferred contact for several agents in your area. This way, you will ensure that you will hear about any potential property deal first.




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