Learn Business From Those Who Have Already Made It in Business!


If you were given an opportunity to learn about business from someone, who would it be:

a. your next door neighbour

b. someone in the pub, or

c. a billionaire and a couple of multi-millionaires


Unfortunately, the bulk of people choose option ‘a’ or ‘b’ every time and then wonder why things are going so wrong!

If you’d like to utilise option ‘c’ and learn from 3 of the wealthiest and most influential entrepreneurs alive today then you really need to join me and 8,000 others in London in two weeks:


I’ve never seen Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and Alan Sugar together in the same room before!  This is definitely a first.  Click the image below for more information.




Keep Going And You Will Get There …..


I recently watched “Facing The Giants” and thought i’d share just a couple of quick lessons with you.




Firstly, don’t ever quit.  If your goals are bigger than you and you truly believe you can do it, then if you persevere and keep faith you will get there.  If your focus is on serving others rather than just making money, you will find yourself meeting your financial targets much easier.


This has got to be one of my best buys this year and it cost less than the price of lunch!  You should definitely get yourself a copy of this DVD today while it’s still at such a low low price and let me know how it goes for you:

